Kindness ripple like water 涟漪效应

4 months ago, a casual conversation with Grassroots Bookroom - Yong Xin and CC,had evolved into a bigger than expected event. I was provided with an event space in the bookstore to showcase my mended apparels. Prior, I somehow had a tiny voice screaming in my head -《重修旧好》Second Life Greater Life, which eventually became the name of my exhibition. 
I am usually very obsessed with ideas and possibilities. I always questioned myself WHY in various aspects. Eventually, I knew deep down that the only reason for me to host an exhibition was to create awareness for sustainability. 
In order to blend the sustainability theme into our ordinary daily lives, I've utilised the proverbs 衣 (wear), 食 (eat), 住 (live), 行 (travel), which cover the day-to-day basics of every day living. And the addition of kindness to 衣, 食, 住, 行, represented by our 心 (core), adds the final piece to the completed puzzle. 
And so I went looking for candidates who were willing to take on this sustainability project with me, a 4 months slow arduous journey.  A budget of $100sgd was set for each individual to complete their individual take on sustainability, before 23rd February 2019. 
Within a short span of 2 weeks, I managed to gather 3 participants: AlanNoreen and Tako who had their eyes set to make this world a better place, one person at a time.
The outcome of our random chat, casual team-up of artists and individual creative perspective on sustainability, are now showcased at Grassroots Bookroom, from 23rd Feb to 24th March 2019. Operating hours for the bookstore is between 11am-8pm daily, except Tuesdays, which is the rest day for the bookstore.
这一次展览的初衷就是希望能够把永续的种子散播在百姓的心中。主题的方向围绕着我们离不开的衣,食,住,行,希望观众可以从作品中可以看到熟悉用品被改造的可能性。还有常常被忽略的—“心”的角度 全方位的重新看待环保。
他们的作品,现在还在草根书室展出中。Alan那台不停在进化的老货车和他边旅行边工作的故事还有Noreen和Tako, 都是以4个月收集的废物从零开始的研究,思考每个材质的可塑性再将他们衍生出新的生命。我呢,就把一个个经典儿童故事和回忆编织在回收的衣服。
草根书室营业时间:11am-8pm 几乎每天,*只有星期二不开门哦(记得记得)
《重修旧好》Second Life Greater Life 展期: 23rd Feb-24th March 2019 (免费入场)
