《重修旧好》00005 - Who will comfort Toffle?

This is a continual project from《重修旧好》00001. I found a broken seashell in my room after completing 00001 which could be used to highlight a crucial element in《Who will comfort Toffle?》
"So who will comfort Toffle and remind him that a shell is nicer when there's somebody to share it with?"
At the end of the story, with a message in a bottle from Miffle, Toffle found Miffle and lived happily ever after, in that same seashell.
这是之前的《重修旧好》00001的续集,我在家找到了一个缺角的贝壳直接让我联想到《Who will comfort Toffle?》里的贝壳插画。
“Toffle 来到蓝天美丽的海滩,他很喜欢眼前的一切,但他还是不明白为何开心不起来。有谁能安慰Toffle并且告诉他,可以一起分享的贝壳才能把快乐变得无限大?”
These threads were leftovers from the previous artwork, so why not use them for the continual episode of the Toffle project?
You can make everything from a single crochet, and hence I created a new sweater for the seashell
(special thanks to my crochet teacher - Diana)
What can I do with the leftover plastic bread clips?
A closure for the necklace of course!
The necklace string was made from "Bak Zhang" (aka Dumplings) string

"It takes both sides to build a bridge." - Fredrik Nael

6th exhibition item
00005: Share
Inspired by: Who will comfort Toffle?
Material: leftover threads, bread clip, vintage button (given by Boon Jeun), broken seashell, bak zhang string and glass bead
Total labour time: 24 hours of day-and-night
ps: 1 + 1 > 2
0005: 分享
灵感来源: Who will comfort Toffle?
原料: 用剩的线, 面包扣, 缺角的贝壳, 旧钮扣 (文娟送的), 粽绳和玻璃珠 
劳动时间: 24个日夜的小时
ps: 1加1大于2
