Hello friends, Happy Belated New Year :) Welcome to the final post of Life Cycle of Tree - Spread the Seeds. Did you celebrate your new year differently this year? What types of seeds did you plant in 2021? What have you decided to plant in your garden soul for 2022? It's the first month of 2022, the month where most people set goals to become a better version of themselves. I did the same thing previously ( last year Jan 2021 ) and shared the progression of my personal goals: gift wrapping, natural dye, needlework, and illustration monthly. Moments to share: What I have learned in 2021? It's been a year of documenting my 2021 journal and I thank all of you for traveling with me on this journey. Looking back on where I began a year ago, my biggest takeaway was getting to know myself a bit better on monthly basis . I enjoy taking photos to share my monthly story and I struggled big time when it came to writing. Even when I was crafting the storyline for this post, stress nev