Second Life Greater Life《重修旧好》: The Artist

It's been 7 months since the completion of the Second Life, Greater Life exhibition. Time flies and when a friend of mine asked about what I did for the exhibition and where to look for all the related information, I realised I had none. When I was too busy focusing on my own stuff, it was easy for me to forget to include the rest of the members who have contributed their effort and precious time for Second Life, Greater Life to become a reality - An exhibition that was inspired by every day life objects based on the Chinese proverb: 衣(wear),食 (eat),住(live),行(travel) - which cover the day-to-day fundamentals of living to anyone who wishes to live in a cleaner greener environment.
Here, I will introduce all the artists who had participated (including myself) in the exhibition. So in sequence with 衣(wear),食(eat),住 (live), 行(travel), the 4 artists were namely, Noreen, Tako, Alan Ooi and myself - Waee Waee. Each artist had focused on one of the 4 topics and had provided their insight into the usage of each, to create a second life.

1.衣 WEAR by Waee Waee 

2. 食 EAT by Noreen Loh
Do also check out Noreen's website and her facebook page for the coolest projects she engages in.
3. 住 LIVE by Tako
Tako, creates one of the best selling dolls in Malaysia. She has the most delicate hands to handle tiny and intricate items. Curious about her recent work? You may find out more about her in her recent projects here.
行 TRAVEL by Alan Ooi
He's a free spirit lad who enjoys making things with his own hands. Follow his footsteps to discover his inspiring lifestyle in his mobile-home.
