Hello friends,

It has been a busy month for me in July. It's been half a year of working towards my personal goals and I wash to push myself a little bit more to achieve the things that I do not think were possible for me, hence I decided to update 4 flowering blogs on a weekly basis. Writing has never been easy for me but I do enjoy taking nice photos and sharing my journey with all of you. Every time I write, I will play music that will guide me into the zone, with my playlist today being FKJ Just Piano (latest collaboration with Calm).

Now being back to my task has put me in an uncomfortable zone. Tight breathing space and a busy schedule are the "price tags" that I have to pay, but I am ready to re-adjust myself. If you follow my post closely, you will realize that this post has been delayed for a week (another price tag to achieve my goal). 

The title this month is Fruiting. 
What does fruiting mean to you?
Result? Success? Outcome or something else?
Growing up with Mandarin as my first language, I see fruits(果) in three dimensions.
There's a mandarin proverb that says 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆. You reap what you sow (no matter). 
There's a price tag for every choice you make. 

1. Consequences/ Price Tag (後果 )
Whenever I make a choice, no matter how much I evaluate the consequences that might result, there are always hidden "price tags" which I will end up paying unwittingly. It took me plenty of life experiences to learn to give myself more allowance to pay for these "price tags".

Lack of sleep, postponement of schedule, less quality time for myself and my loved one, are often the first few that I've got to forego and accept. To prevent the above from repeating, I am learning to set boundaries (away from social media and other distractions) for every task with a specific time and date to complete and to do my best while I am in that task completion moment.

2. Achievement (成果)
"Sucess is peace of mind, knowing you did your best."
- John Wooden

I often relate success to fame and money, not until I discovered this quote recently while I was watching a documentary. It was about a gym coach who helped her student to overcome her fear of being judged by the brutal comments on the internet and to shine again on stage. I resonate with how I beat myself when my work is not recognized by others. I will also blame myself for not trying hard enough (to please). But what I was not aware, was that the other part of me already tried its best to fulfill what I needed. It's time to turn around and pat myself and say: "your success is when you did your best, and I thank you for doing that for me."

"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it."
-Maya Angelou

3. Result/ Outcome (結果)
 "The best view comes after the hardest climb."

When I track back my steps on how I started my personal goal journey to where I am now, I am glad that I have started this bumpy journey and grown extensively inside out. Learning how to appreciate myself has become the key to my perseverance to have the strength to demolish barriers and keep moving on. 

Do you remember how you last celebrated your own hard work? If you do, feel free to share with me in the comment below :)

Below are my monthly updates of the "fruits" of my labor:

1. Gift Wrapping @wabisabi.wrap

2. Natural Dye 
Experimenting on hammered dye with homegrown plants

3. Needlework
The original button of this dress which I am mending right now had black stains as all-metal buttons do, with wear and tear (oxidation). To prevent the same thing from happening again, I learned how to make a button from scratch (made out of thread) to replace the original metal button on this dress.

4. Illustration
This month's practice: eyes nose, lips, and ears

New treasure of the month

A movie based on a true event about how a man spent 11 years growing apples organically, and it made me laugh and cry at the same time. I believe this will be a great movie to spend time with your loved ones, sharing about perspectives of "fruiting". 

I'll keep this post short and sweet :)

May you enjoy the fruiting season soon,
Waee Waee
