It's a (green) wrap 01

Dear friends,
Since a few years back, I have been a big fan of Japanese packaging. They are aesthetically pleasing and a great way to gift, even to myself! As time goes by, as we sank deeper into the world of environmental pollution, these wrapping ideas became a pang of guilt. What is the solution for someone like me, who loves to buy presents for friends? There's something very charming about unwrapping a gift, as the process itself is a very pleasing experience for the receiver (at least to me). 
After convincing myself to warp my wrapping ideas into green wrapping, I've experimented with numerous unexpected materials. Sometimes, I would take my camera to document the variety of wrapping techniques of ordinary people in the wet market, who use the simplest and cheapest materials to bind things together.  
Here's sharing with you my green wrapping ideas:
Variety of seeds in a coconut shell and tied with a banana leave cord for O from Russia
Organic Soap as X' mas present ( wrapping material: recycled box, old mistletoe and tissue paper)
2 films wrapped with printed tissue paper for CK

My 1st handmade sourdough bread wrap in baking paper and IKEA kitchen towel for an angel I have not met for 12 years. 
The best handmade Gula Melaka (wrapped with used butter wooden container and bamboo cord) for a dear friend who came from Ipoh.
Mini celluloid toy (wrapped in fruit net) for someone who adored vintage as much as I do.
A life-changing book for someone who is going through the passing of her loved one, (wrapping material: old magazine page, rubber band. vintage plastic holder and paper tag)
Gingko tea leaves (and its benefits was handwritten in a mini card wrapped in reusable zip lock bag) for someone who loves to connect with nature.
While I was travelling to Janda Baik, I discover this super delicious handmade Thai Chili from Bentong. Here's a gift (wrapped with a rubber band, scrap fabric and a card with a secret message and illustration) for my traveller friend who loves spicy food. 
Turkish pie (wrapped with IKEA kitchen towel and dried fern) for a potluck lunch at Y's place.
Here are my 10 ideas for the daily green wrap, what's yours? Next Wednesday, I’ll be sharing where I draw my wrapping inspiration from daily life.
ps: Would love to learn some green tips from you :)
With love,
